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Let’s face it: producing a quality podcast is time-consuming. Even after you’ve spent hours of time researching, prepping for, and recording your episode, you’re still left with podcast post-production tasks, promotion, and more. Handling everything involved in running your podcast all by yourself can be a huge drain on your time and energy.

You may have considered the possibility of outsourcing these tasks… but researching how to do that just takes even more effort. Well, we’re here to help you reclaim your precious time by giving you some solid ideas on how to outsource your podcasting tasks.

How to Outsource Podcasting Tasks

1. Outsource Audio Editing

Most people do not get into podcasting to spend all their time editing. Chances are, your recorded audio probably needs to be at least trimmed at the beginning and end, and in most cases, you probably want to insert an intro and outro clip or cut out those times when you fumbled over words. Why not outsource your podcast post-production?

Audio quality is also crucial. If your audio is fuzzy, filled with background noise, or just plain not-up-to-par, here’s the hard truth: you could lose listeners. There are so many professionally-edited podcasts out there now that most people aren’t going to invest a ton of time into a podcast that isn’t easy on the ears. 

But if you’re not already a sound editing pro, this can be a steep learning curve (read: many hours and a hefty dose of frustration). That’s why audio editing is a popular element of podcast post-production to outsource.

Our recommendations: If you decide to outsource your podcast’s audio editing, check out Podigy or Podblade.

2. Outsource Graphic Design

When you first begin podcasting, graphic design might not even be on your radar as a post-production task. After all, podcasts are audio content. But your show needs cover art… and it’s a good idea to have a graphic/thumbnail for each individual episode, as well. Of course, that means creating a new piece of visual content for every single episode. And if you release episodes on a weekly (or even a bi-weekly) basis, that can become time-consuming. That’s why outsourcing graphic design for your show could be a good idea. 

Our recommendations: For outsourcing your podcast’s graphic design, try Fiverr or 99designs.

3. Outsource Show Notes

Ask any podcaster what post-production task is the most unexpectedly time-consuming, and we’re willing to bet most of them will respond with “show notes”. Even though they’re tedious, show notes are absolutely essential to growing a successful podcast. Not only do they provide a written layout of everything covered in each episode — they’re also vital for good SEO. Outsourcing the creation of your show notes to an expert copywriter doesn’t just save you time… it ensures that your show notes are optimized for search engines to drive more traffic to your website and, ultimately, get more listeners for your show. 

Our recommendations: To outsource your podcast’s post-production show notes, check out Duplikit or Podcast Fast Track.

4. Outsource Social Media Promotion

Having a great podcast is essential, obviously. But if you want people to listen to that great podcast you’ve worked so hard on, social media promotion is also essential. And you can’t just do it every once in a while. You really have to establish a presence on social media and make sure you’re promoting every single episode you release. Podcasters often choose to outsource this task because it’s just too labor intensive and time-consuming to promote every new episode on social media. After all, podcasts are audio-based and so much of social media is primarily visual (especially platforms like Instagram). 

Which means you have to repurpose your podcast’s audio content into visual content. You could outsource this task — or you could use Wavve. With Wavve, you can turn your podcast’s audio into engaging animated videos (and optimize those videos for every social media platform) with just a few clicks.

Our recommendations: For outsourcing your podcast’s social media promotion, you can hire a social media manager on Fiverr — or do it yourself the easy way with Wavve!

Want to give Wavve a try and get the most out of your podcast promotion?

If you’re brand-new to Wavve, you can create your first video today for free!

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