If you’re on the road to creating a podcast, it’s important to listen to other podcasts to see how other hosts do it. Just as writers are often avid readers, podcasters can be avid listeners. And you can step up your podcast game by listening to – guess what? – podcasts about podcasts.
So, we’ve put together a list of six podcasts about podcasting so you have some go-to sources for convenient podcasting wisdom.
(Do you host a podcast about podcasting and not on the list? If so, get in touch and we’d love to include you in this post!)
1. The Podcaster’s Roundtable
Ray Ortega
(Daniel J. Lewis from The Audacity to Podcast and Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting are frequent co-hosts.)
About the podcast:
This podcast uses Google Hangouts On-Air to invite podcasters to have, well, roundtable discussions about podcasting. The guests are podcasters who have shows of many different genres, styles, and audiences. The podcast’s goal is to create a space where podcasters can have discussions where they share their opinions about the various trials of podcasting.
Why We Love It:
This podcast isn’t an instructional manual. They’re not just giving tips or directions about creating a podcast that you can easily find with a quick Google search. They’re not telling you what software to use, what platform to post on, or how to handle your social media. Instead, the Podcaster’s Roundtable is just podcasters talking about their experiences and how to handle the challenges that come with having a show.
How to Listen:
2. Better Podcasting
Stephen Jondrew and Stargate Pioneer
About the podcast:
Stephen Jondrew and Stargate Pioneer are two friends who are passionate about podcasting. They started a podcast about podcasting when they realized that one of their favorite things to do was discuss podcasting gear, podcast production, and content for podcasts – really anything about podcasts. They have a true love for creating shows, and their passion is reflected in the podcast they’ve created.
Why We Love It:
Better Podcasting isn’t about going all nitty-gritty about podcasting. The hosts know that for a lot of people podcasting is a passion project, something that the host does because they love it and because it’s fun. With that in mind, the duo gives simple tips to improve podcasts that are geared towards hobbyist podcasters who just want to give their show some oomph. Basically, their goal is to provide a place to share tips and tools for podcasting with the casual podcaster in mind.
How to Listen:
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/better-podcasting/id1047879204
- http://www.betterpodcasting.com/googlepodcasts/
Social Media:
3. Podcast Junkies
Harry Duran
About the podcast:
This podcast was created because of an interest in the stories behind the podcasts. Guests on the show are the people who lend their voices to their podcasts. They discuss their show and how it got its start in interviews.
Why We Love It:
We love the podcast because it goes through a lot of different subjects and topics, from history to business to finance and more. There’s such a variety of niches discussed in the various episodes. And it’s also really cool to hear the stories behind these shows and how they got their start. It really gets into the hosts’ reasons for starting their shows and gives the listener an inside look at how different podcasts were created.
How to Listen:
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/better-podcasting/id1047879204
- http://www.betterpodcasting.com/googlepodcasts/
- https://podcastjunkies.com/spotify
Social Media:
- https://podcastjunkies.com/twitter-pl
- https://podcastjunkies.com/facebook-pl
- https://podcastjunkies.com/instagram-pl
4. She Podcasts
Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman
About the podcast:
The goal of this podcast is to give a little bit of spotlight to female podcasters. Escobar and Kupferman want to support women-led podcasts by providing workshops, webinars, coaching, and more. They want to help women tell the stories that need to be shared with the world.
Why We Love It:
The podcast is all about providing a place to share podcasting wisdom and tips, and they do it without promoting themselves. Its goal is to give women the tools they need as they create and share their podcasts.
How to Listen:
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/she-podcasts/id891885238?mt=2
- http://www.betterpodcasting.com/googlepodcasts/
- https://open.spotify.com/show/6UQSzI5KYmYNz2yiz10Bf5
Social Media:
- https://podcastjunkies.com/twitter-pl
- https://podcastjunkies.com/facebook-pl
- https://podcastjunkies.com/instagram-pl
5. Podcraft
Colin Gray
About the podcast:
Podcraft is all about giving people tips and tricks for starting successful podcasts and developing a fanbase, whether it’s a personal podcast or a podcast for a business.
Why We Love It:
Aside from Colin’s amazing accent? ????
Starting a podcast isn’t easy – there’s really a lot that goes into it. Podcraft gives practical advice and specific topics so that people who start their own podcasts can maximize the potential of their show and make the most out of every episode.
How to Listen:
- https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/podcraft-honing-art-podcasting/id821720737?mt=2
- https://www.thepodcasthost.com/category/podcraft-podcast/feed/
- http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dicing-with-design/podschool
Social Media:
- https://www.twitter.com/thepodcasthost
- https://www.thepodcasthost.com/category/podcraft-podcast/?place=nav-sub#
- https://www.facebook.com/thepodcasthost
6. Podcasting Step By Step
Sarah Mikutel
About the podcast:
Sarah helps new podcasters conquer the challenges that are holding them back from launching and growing their shows. Every week, she shares expert advice on everything from the gear you need to podcast to how to work through imposter syndrome.
This show isn’t for tech fanatics; it’s for people who want to learn how to create and market great content to grow their community and their business.
Why We Love It:
Sarah also hosts the popular travel podcast Postcard Academy, and one of her core messages on both of her shows is to make every moment matter because you’ll never have this day again.
We love this because one of the biggest obstacles to starting a podcast is the fear of putting yourself out there, and Sarah motivates people to get over this and let their voice be heard.
How to Listen:
Social Media:
So, those are our top six podcasts about podcasting. We encourage you to check out these shows and give them a listen! See if any of these podcasts speak to you and help you out with your own show. There’s a lot of wisdom packed into the various episodes of each of these shows!
If you want to level up your podcast, check out our different Wavve plans so you can make videos using the audio from your podcast. Then share those videos on social media and catch your target audience’s attention!

I’m the Founder of Wavve. I love building tools to help content creators better share their message on social media.
Thanks for the shoutout, Baird.
Baird Hall
Thanks for doing what you all do Ray!