You’ve done what they said can’t be done: You started and grew a successful business. The only problem is that today’s fast-paced digital world makes it increasingly more difficult to stay in front of your target audience and keep your business growing. This results in a constant search for creative ways to promote your business and your product or service.
Marketing requires some outside-the-box thinking and constant testing/iteration. If you’re struggling to find your next successful marketing outlet, one way that you can promote your business is through podcasts. Why should you start a podcast for your business? Let’s cover the top 15 reasons and see if it makes sense for your business.
1. Podcasts Allow You to Position Yourself as the Expert You Are
Starting a podcast allows you to really dive into various topics about your niche and position yourself as an expert. Podcasts are naturally long-form content which allows you to cover the ins and outs of your industry and share the valuable best practices you have discovered.
Of course, your podcast isn’t going to just be you saying, “Hey, this is why my business is great.” It’s you answering real questions people have about your industry and discussing a topic that interests people. It gives you a powerful platform to share all of your hard-earned wisdom with the world.
Starting a podcast for your business and becoming an expert in your field can help generate buzz about you – and of course, it can also help generate sales.
2. Podcasts help you build a relationship with your audience before they become customers
In my opinion, there is no better way to build a relationship with a prospect through content than through a podcast.
When someone listens to your podcast, you have their undivided attention. You have a direct connection with their thoughts and emotions thanks to their earbuds. You can tell stories, share advice, encourage, and begin a conversation with someone without even talking to them.
As an entrepreneur or marketer, you are always selling. And selling almost always requires some type of relationship be built between your business and your prospects. A podcast can help you start relationships at scale.
3. Podcasts are easy for your audience to consume
A good marketer is always looking for an opportunity to connect with their audience. Unfortunately, digital marketing is increasingly becoming more difficult to find great opportunities. There is only so much space left on our screens that are already filled with ads.
Podcasting is a beautiful medium for marketers because it allows you to reach people on their terms. All that’s required is plugging in a set of headphones. People can listen to your podcast while they’re exercising, cleaning, cooking, and more.
While some people still aren’t sure how to access podcasts, Apple & Google (two of the biggest companies in the world) are both focusing on making podcasts more available, which will only help your ability to distribute your new show.
3. People want to get information fast
Let’s face it – we’re in an instant gratification type of society.
People want to get information and they want to get it quickly. Why spend hours reading articles or books when you can tune in to a podcast and get in-depth information in a concise episode format? Starting a podcast for your business allows you to cater to the fact that people expect to get information without a lot of hassle.
4. You can use your podcast to supplement your blog
Podcasting may be “the new blogging” but that doesn’t mean they can’t play nice with one another.
When you start a podcast, you can take the topics you’re already covering and go even more in-depth with them. You can spend more time really exploring the questions and topics that interest your audience.
And, of course, you can always use your podcast to encourage people to visit your site for more tips, interesting content, and more. If you’ve really got their attention, they might be hungry for more information… and guess who conveniently has an article about that very thing on their website?
5. Great podcasts are binge-worthy
If you are able to create a great podcast that delivers content to your audience, it’s easy to get listeners hooked. After you create a bank of episodes, listener’s will be able to catch up at their own pace and “binge” through your content.
And if you start a podcast for your business, you can build a loyal base of listeners who are eagerly awaiting your next episode.
6. Networking, networking, networking
Podcasting is a great way to network and connect with people in your industry. If you host an interview-style podcast, you can reach out to other experts in your field to join your show. It’s a good promotion for them and it helps you become even more of an expert in your field.
Making connections is always helpful in the business world, and you never know what might come of it. Podcasting opens up a lot of opportunities for partnerships.
7. Podcasting and social selling go hand in hand
To give a quick definition, social selling is when a business uses social media to provide valuable content to a prospect before they’re ready to buy. It helps you to build rapport with a potential customer, answer the questions they might have, and basically win their business. Your business’s podcast can become a trusted source of interesting, relevant content, and it just makes logical sense for the consumer to go to you when they’re ready to make their purchase.
8. There’s less competition in the podcast world than the blog world
Ever noticed just how much stuff is online?
Yeah. Exactly.
It’s really difficult to be found in all the noise when you’re online, trying to run a blog or write social media posts. The realm of the podcast has far less competition, so it’s much easier to be heard (pun intended.)
9. Some people just aren’t readers
Some people aren’t really into reading. And that’s okay. You just have to be prepared to reach that segment of your audience that doesn’t like to read. Podcasts are a great way to get your message to those people in a way that gives them content that is just as in-depth and rich as any blog article.
Content marketing through blogging is great, but it might not the right medium for everyone in your audience.
10. Podcasting can help you with influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is when the mighty and powerful suggest a product or service by supporting it. It doesn’t even have to be them saying, “Buy this, it’s so amazing!”, it can be them choosing to associate with you and your product or service.
Inviting influencers to join your podcast is a natural way to integrate Influencer Marketing with your marketing strategy.
11. You can’t watch a video or read a blog in the car
How many hours a week do you spend in the car? Chances are a lot. Now think about how many drivers are on the road – drivers who are painfully bored by the monotony of their commute or frustrated by traffic. Since you can’t exactly watch a video or read an article and drive at the same time, podcasting can slide right into that space. Lots of people are tired of the same old routine of listening to music or the radio while they drive, so why not give them something that can feed their brains as they commute? Starting a podcast for your business means that you’re taking advantage of your audience’s daily commute.
13. In-depth product/service reviews
Many buyers prefer researching and evaluating online reviews before committing to purchasing a product or service. A podcast provides you with a platform for long-form discussions with existing customers or others in the industry that have experience with your product/service.
14. It’s another touchpoint with your clients
Whether you’re trying to win new business or retain your existing clients, your podcast allows you a way to keep in touch with your audience and reach out to them without being pushy or overly aggressive. It gives them another opportunity to interact with you, especially if you incorporate an interactive component to your show by taking/answering listener questions.
15. It’s fun!
Podcasting is a great way to get some creativity into your life. You have a chance to really show your personality, and you can make your podcast whatever you want it to be. So let your inner creative person out and have a great time when you start a podcast for your business.
If you’re looking for a new, innovative way to market your business, try your hand at starting your very own podcast.
Once you’ve started your podcast, Wavve will be here to help you promote your show to the world by combining audio from your show with amazing visualizations that captivate and capture attention. Sign up for a free trial today.
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I’m the Founder of Wavve. I love building tools to help content creators better share their message on social media.