
Influencer marketing is bigger now than ever before, and it’s evolving at a rapid pace. 

Understanding the biggest influencer marketing trends happening is important for creating deeper connections with audiences and standing out amongst the competition. 

Top Eight Influencer Marketing Trends

influencer marketing trends

1. Video is Taking Over

Video has been the most engaging form of online content for a while now, and it doesn’t hint at slowing down. Influencers and brands are relying more heavily on video content than ever before. 

Thanks to the widespread popularity of short-form video content across social media, like TikTok videos and Instagram Reels, video has become the biggest way to engage audiences. Of course, let’s not forget the power of YouTube as a platform for influencer video marketing. 

Whatever social media channels brands are investing in for their influencer strategies, video remains the best form of content to use in 2022. 

2. Audio Content is Becoming Increasingly Important

Podcasts remain an incredibly popular form of content in 2022. As influencers experiment with different channels, audio is one that shouldn’t be overlooked. 

As connectivity improves around the world, people are consuming more video and audio content than ever before. Podcasts are becoming increasingly influential, with many influencers branching out from traditional social media platforms and focusing more on their own podcasts. 

One great thing about podcasts is that they’re an excellent medium for providing expert advice. So, if brands are looking to persuade audiences through influential experts within their niche, then podcasts are a perfect medium to achieve this. 

influencer marketing trends

3. Influencers are Focused On Multiple Channels

In the past, many influencers considered themselves “Instagramers” or “YouTubers”, focused on a specific channel. These days, we’re seeing a rise in influencers building large audiences over multiple platforms. 

This influencer marketing trend may not be that new, but in 2022 we’re seeing far more superfans who engage with a single influencer over many channels. 

As a brand, this could mean that it’s the perfect time to use a single influencer to market across various platforms. And as an influencer, this trend means 2022 could be the year to expand on your channels and the type of content you offer. 

4. Influencer Niches are Becoming More Specific

As influencer marketing grows and becomes a more popular strategy for brands to tap into, influencers need to pay closer attention to their niche. 

Brands want to work with influencers who have as specific a niche as possible. Audience behavior on social media has also changed. Audiences now have more options and preferences for the kind of content they want to spend their time consuming. 

In 2022, influencers should focus on refining their brand and their area of expertise. The more specific the influencer’s audience, the easier it is to find brands that are looking to tap into that exact audience. 

Remember, there are loads of influencers that brands can choose from right now, and they want to work with influencers whose audience closely resembles their specific target customers. 

influencer marketing trends

5. More Focus On Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers have formed a major influencer marketing trend. Unlike influencers with a massive audience, micro-influencers have a smaller following and are generally more niche. 

One of the reasons why micro-influencers work so well is that they often achieve higher levels of engagement. Their promotions seem more genuine. If a brand works with a massive celebrity, like Kylie Jenner, it will tap into an enormous audience. However, it will be very obvious that it’s a paid promotion, and the audience will be incredibly broad. 

When a brand works with a smaller, more relatable influencer, the promotion seems more authentic and relatable. And if you’re a local brand, connecting with a local micro-influencer will help you connect with your exact target customers more easily. 

6. Data is Essential 

Social media has become increasingly competitive. And measuring performance is the key to success. 

This includes looking closely into the influencer’s audience and engagement metrics, as well as using data-driven platforms to find the right kinds of influencers and monitor the success of their campaigns. 

As an influencer, this means there’s more focus on refining your audience and getting your audience highly engaged. Not just trying to build as big of an audience as possible. 

7. A Greater Focus On Live Campaigns

In 2022, there’s a definite drive for live shopping. This is something that can be done across various platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Amazon. With these Livestream shopping tools and partnerships available, more brands and influencers are jumping on this trend to help them increase sales. 

It’s predicted that Livestream shopping revenue in the United States will triple by the year 2024, reaching $35 billion. Clearly, this is a major area of growth to focus on. 

Live video is more interactive, and it gives brands an excellent opportunity to showcase their products and connect with an audience more deeply. 

influencer marketing trends

8. More Ongoing Partnerships 

Brands are investing in ongoing partnerships with influencers instead of just doing once-off promotions. This is changing the way influencers and brands approach each other, and the kind of relationships they are forming. 

It takes a long time to make a sale, even when the influencer has a highly engaged audience. This is why brands are spending more time working with influencers to run promotions over the long run.


Influencer marketing remains one of the most popular marketing strategies in 2022. More brands are tapping into influencer marketing. This means influencers need to stand out and improve the way they connect with brands.

By paying attention to these influencer marketing trends, you can improve the way you connect with and promote brands. This will help any influencer maximize their business in 2022.

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